My staple stack has grown a bit...
And my mail clip bonsai tree has evolved into a...transformer.
Say hello to my own personal mini Optimus Prime. Kind of. Check out his face.
Hah. I know, it's pretty frikkin' awesome.
Well, work is good but school is kicking my butt. I guess it's a good thing though, because I've been needing to get my butt kicked recently. Imagine you're put in an empty room and told "There is a problem in this room. Solve it." Well that was me last night. The room was my life, and the problem was there. The only thing is, you can't fix it if you don't know what it is. I can solve problems, but figuring out what the problem is? That's like giving me a blank canvas and saying "Paint a picture of it" without telling me what it is.
But, after several hours of self-reflection and talking to the mirror, I figured out what the problem is. All it will take to fix it is time, sacrifice, a constant battle between my flesh and the Holy Spirit inside me, and more time. But at least I know what the problem is. And it's good to know my wife is on my team fighting with me and for me.
This is all for now. I just wanted to chronicle this transitional stage because it may very well play an enormous part in shaping the next few chapters of my life.
oh, what peace we often forefit
oh what needless pain we bear
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer