Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why does God let... finish the question yourself. We've all heard it a billion times.

No one wants to accept that there is no such thing as an innocent person. Know why? Because

"if I admit that everyone's corrupt, then I'm admitting that I'm corrupt. I mean I have my dark sides and I've done some questionable things, but who hasn't? I'm not a bad person. Nobody's perfect...but that doesn't mean we're all evil and going to hell. That's so harsh. I'm still a good person: I haven't killed anybody."

How many times have you heard that? People are completely lost without their precious self esteem, and to be called a sinner just isn't "good for their complexion" these days. God forbid you offend anyone. People who ask stupid questions about the nature of God just want to make a point. They don't really want to know. They are so apalled by the notion of someone pointing the finger that they reject the people as a whole.

Well, isn't that rather presumptuous, Ryan, making a claim like that about such a broad range of people? No. Y'know why? Because the people who are searching - the people who really want to know what's really out there - they actually look. They'll pick up the Bible and start reading. They'll ask real questions. They'll find a church and go. It's times like those that verses like Matthew 7:8 come into play.

I once saw a TV show called "What Would You Do," where they stage a scenario in public that is generally accepted as morally wrong, and secretly record the reactions of passers-by, in an effort to see how the average American would react to said scene. Some stand up for justice, others adopt the moronic idium "D-G-I, don't get involved." One episode involved a sandwich shop worker who refused to serve a group of Hispanic men (all staged with actors, of course). One observer tore into the worker, telling him that he should not discriminate on the basis of race. The worker replied, "Well I don't speak Mexican, how am I supposed to serve them?" And then the observer said this:

"Mexican isn't a language. Maybe you should educate yourself about these people before you discriminate against them."

Bingo. There are those who seek in earnest, and there are those who merely wish to bash conventional religion. But the people who ask the question rhetorically, how educated are they really about the belief system of Christianity? What do they know beyond the common household names like Adam and Eve and Noah and Jesus? If you're going to discriminate against us on acccount of our spiritual belief, you had better read up on exactly what those beliefs are, or you are no better than the shopkeeper and you know it.

So, why does God allow bad things to happen to "good" people? There is an answer to that question, and it is a simple one. But don't ask if you don't really want to know the answer. If you want to attack God, take it up with him, not his people. Because with the amount of faith it takes to even stand up for Christianity in this world, a simple question isn't going to begin to move us.

Don't talk about my God unless you know who you're dealing with.

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